Provisioning Developer Access For WordPress Deployments on AWS ElasticBeanstalk

Give step-by-step instructions to your client (AWS account owner and administrators) and third-party developers for maintaining a WordPress deployment on AWS ElasticBeanstalk. Read more...

Deploy AWS Elastic Beanstalk App With HTTP Basic Auth and Self-Signed SSL Certificate

Fortify AWS EB single-instance staging deployments for pre-production testing on the fast and cheap using ebextensions scripts. Read more...

Generating Custom Map Tiles

Roll your own map tiles for offline or static use in your apps. No, I'm not talking about screenshots of Google Maps and spit-balled boundary coordinates. Read more...

Jekyll, Gravatars, and Favicons

The ubiquitous Gravatar is still a popular choice for syncing your avatar across your online identities. A simple rake task can generate all your favicons with it too. Read more...

Jekyll on Github Pages with Plugins

Jekyll runs on Ruby which means it can do lot of nifty things while still being a static site generator, even when hosted on Github Pages. Read more...